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杨香是晋朝杨丰的女儿.她很小的时候,母亲去世,父亲含辛茹苦,把她拉扯成人。杨香是在苦难中长大的,心眼好,懂事早。她知道父亲抚养自己不容易,既当爹又当娘,吃了很多苦头。因此,她对父亲非常孝顺,可以说是关心备至,体贴入微。    杨香14岁这年,曾随同父亲杨丰在五峰山打猎,忽然蹿出一只大老虎,扑向杨丰,一口将他叼住。杨香急坏了,一心只想着父亲安危的她,完全忘了自己与老虎的力量悬殊。好个杨香,只见她猛地跳上前去,用力卡住老虎的头颈。任凭老虎怎么挣扎,她一双小手始终像一把钳子,紧紧卡住老虎的咽喉不放。老虎终因喉咙被卡,无法呼吸,瘫倒在地上,他们父女才得以幸免遇难。


  Yang Xiang was a man of the Jin Dynasty. He went to the field to harvest rice with father when he was 14 years old. Suddenly a fierce tiger ran out, threw his father on the ground and carried him away in its mouth. Yang Xiang was barehanded at the time, but he jumped in front of the tiger to save his father without giving consideration to his own safety and tried his best to strangle the throat of the fierce tiger. The tiger finally dropped his father and ran away.

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